Department of Architecture

The Department of Architectural Engineering was founded and began its operation in 1999. The Department’s undergraduate study program lasts five years and its degree provides its graduates with full professional rights as an engineering architect in Greece and in the EU countries. The Department offers three postgraduate study programs as well as doctoral level studies.
The main axes of its identity are based a: on the importance of theory, history and in general the humanities in the studies of architecture, b: on the expansion of planning from the building object to the construction of the landscape, on various scales, i.e. the permutation of planning from the building to the city as urban landscape. c: in the relationship of design with technology, potential space and the visual arts d: in the emphasis on environmental practices.
The curriculum is designed to provide students with knowledge in various aspects and fields of architectural practice as a practice of design and creative expression. That is, both the field of conventional architectural practice that usually refers to “construction” as well as that which is dynamically shaped in social reality and allows architects to satisfactorily join many and varied sectors of production with a wide range of working terms and conditions.
In addition, the aim of the curriculum is to form architects technically qualified and equipped with social and cultural sensitivity. In this context, the intended learning outcomes concern: The development of knowledge for the practice of architectural design and architectural practice. The broadening of the perception of the object of architectural creation from the design of small objects to urban design. Familiarity with the potential (virtual) space of virtual reality, the design of information (interface) on the internet and in multimedia. The inclusion of new technologies (computer and audio-visual communication) as basic tools of analysis and synthesis in architectural design. The development of knowledge for the protection of the environment by the reuse of existing spaces and the bioclimatic design of buildings.
Pedio Areos, 38334, VOLOS
+30 24210 74209, 24210 74239 & 24210 74263
+30 24210 74238