Dean’s Council
Responsible for the general supervision of the School of Engineering is the Dean’s Council. Its main objects are:
- the formulation and safeguarding of general education and research policy and safeguarding of the general educational and research policy
- the strengthening of extroversion
- the promotion of collaborations between its departments
- strengthening the interdisciplinarity of study programs
- the upgrading of infrastructure and equipment
The current council consists of the following members:
Ms. Eftihia Nathanail , Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering
Department Chairs:
Mr. Konstantinos Manolidis , Professor of the Department of Architectural Engineering
Mr. Michail Vasilakopoulos , Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Mr. Marios Haidarlis , Associate Professor of the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and Regional Development Engineering
Mr. Athanassios Papathanasiou , Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Nikitas Mylopoulos , Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering
Representative of the members of the Special Educational Staff (SEP):
Representative of the members of the Laboratory Teaching Staff (E.D.I.P.):
Ms. Sophia Margoni
Representative of the members of the Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP):
Mr. Ioannis Marinos